留园丨君子雅集 一期一会


杲杲冬日,阳光明暖可爱,由绿都中梁·河风雅叙主办,平安银行洛阳分行协办,留园茶空间承办的「解构生活美学,都享美好家+」系列活动第一期:「君子雅集 一期一会」于昨日在河风雅叙举行。本期以茶会的形式呈现生活美学,从一杯茶汤开始,感知生命如初的美好。

The sunshine in winter is warm and lovely. Yesterday, the first phase of the "Deconstructing Life Aesthetics, Enjoy a Beautiful Home" series of activities organized by Luoyang Branch of Green Capital Real Estate, co-organized by Luoyang Branch of Ping An Bank, and undertaken by LIUYUAN: " An elegant gathering, The first moment" was held in Hefeng Yaxu. This issue presents the aesthetics of life in the form of a tea party, perceiving the beauty of life with a cup of tea.





Any space has its own personality, to live with it instead of competing. To create the environment in an empty hall, it is not only filling, the more important thing is the precise control of each item, so that they can bloom in the most suitable position with their own charm. They are quiet but you will not ignore them.


It only took less than two days from building to completing the entire event scene. But we succeeded in making each factor exist in the space appropriately, interpreting its role, possessing its own spirituality and dignity, and filling the entire space with beauty freely and calmly.









Three or five people boiled tea around the stove, a cup of tea soup, with all the fragrance of the season, sunlight, jade dew, earth, wind and clouds, warm and profound. Life here is slowly advancing, without any results that must be achieved, letting the unknown blessings come, returning to the most authentic and eternal peace and beauty of our heart. 


Through this tea party, we will open up our hearts, break away from the usual life, and no longer turn a blind eye to everything around us. Looking at old things with new eyes, seeing and enjoying beauty, makes life simple, beautiful and full of fun.










After drinking some tea, the guests shared their thoughts about today's tea party. He said that the first thing he felt here was beauty. Chinese-style furniture, flower arrangements, and tea wares are all beautiful; The taste of white tea is very good and refreshing, and the body feels very comfortable. His usual life is very busy, and there are few opportunities and occasions to let himself completely relax and enjoy a cup of tea like today;


A woman said that she is doing tea healing in Bali all the year round, bringing our tea culture to the local people, so she can especially feel the power of tea. She came to this tea party with the attitude of giving it a try, and wanted to see what the tea party in Luoyang looked like. After coming, she found that this tea party in such a space would be extremely brilliant no matter where it was;


She said that everything is very beautiful when she comes in. This space makes people feel very comfortable, just like the model room she just visited. The green vegetation outside the window, the layout and decoration of the room, everything is what she dreamed of. She wants her children to grow up happily in such an environment.





At the end of the tea party, the staff of Ping An Bank shared investment and wealth management knowledge to help customers maintain and increase their wealth. This period of activity slowly ended in the poetic and elegant cultural atmosphere of Hefengyaxu. Luoyang Branch of Green Capital Real Estate believes that the vitality of the settlement comes from the beauty that can be seen, touched and felt everywhere. It is hoped that through space application and scene creation, the use of the place and the improvement of the spirit can be integrated, so that the beauty can be passed on to every day of life.


"We can't get back to yesterday, and tomorrow will come soon." If you ask what day is today, today is every day, we live, we love, today is the whole life. As long as we are alive, we hold countless precious moments of life in our hands. If we can realize what we have right now, be grateful for possession, and explore the joy from the heart, then every moment is beautiful. 


Organizer:Luoyang Branch of Green Capital Real Estate


Co-organizer:Luoyang Branch of Ping An Bank

